Flying rabbit Download

Flying rabbit DownloadV15.0

Download Now Unable to download compressed package? Please tell us, thank you!!!
Software size: 1.4MB
Updated on: May 5, 2021
Check MD5: 355c8fa6d42e1fc93347ac147cfac146
Tip: after downloading, it is a zip compressed package, which needs to be usedwinRAR360 compressionUnzip to a folder, and then double-click in the folder to open itFlying rabbit download.exeRun the program.

Software error reporting and Solutions

1、 The operating environment is not installed

2、 The application cannot start normally (0xc000007b)

3、 An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location, which in earlier versions of the. Net framework resulted in sandbox processing of the assembly.

An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location, which in earlier versions of the. Net framework resulted in sandbox processing of the assembly. The. Net framework for this release does not enable CAS policy by default, so this load can be dangerous. If this load is not intended to sandbox the assembly, enable the loadfromremotesources switch.

  • Some computers appear and have been repaired. Just download the software again.

4、 Virus reporting problem of anti-virus software
  • This software has no virus.
  • Since the hardware number needs to be read when the software generates the machine code, resulting in some anti-virus software reporting virus, we suggest adding the software to the white list or closing the anti-virus software before running the software.

Check whether the running environment is installed successfully

  • By combining shortcut keysWIN+ROr start menu, enter searchcmdPress enter to open the CMD command window and paste the following code

    reg query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP" /s /v version | findstr /i version | sort /+26 /r

  • As shown in the figure, if the installed version is > 4.6, the running environment is installed

Software screenshot

Software introduction

Little flying rabbit download is a software that can download a website by entering a website. It can download the web page you want from the Internet. It is mainly used to quickly build a website, in-depth analysis website, website cloning, offline browsing, etc.

Four functions of the software:Whole station download, web page batch download, whole station batch download, whole station picture download

characteristic:Convert website codes, customize special labels, intelligently identify links, visual operation of built-in browser, simple and complex mutual conversion, English web page translation, batch replacement and deletion of codes, etc

Working with documents


Software website


Software application: front end template download; Development design; SEO optimization; Browse the web offline. Note: this software is not a hacker program and cannot download background data!
Disclaimer: the service is used for personal learning, research or appreciation, as well as other non-commercial or non-profit purposes. However, it shall comply with the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shall not infringe the legitimate rights of this website and relevant obligees. The risks arising from the use of tools on this website have nothing to do with this software.
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