Special label, custom label

To get abnormal HTML tags in HTML pages, you need to set tags to get links.

# 链接捕获

  • It supports capturing hyperlink tags, picture tags, picture tags in srcset and script tags

# 输入格式

  • Tag name + attribute name
  • For example:<a data-href="/">xft</a>, the tag name isa, the property name of the hyperlink isdata-hrefThe same is true for picture script tags.

# 智能识别链接

Intelligent identification link

The intelligent identification link is a supplement to the special label. For non professionals who use the built-in intelligent identification function of the software to automatically identify the special label link, the software aims to be more effective and convenient.

# 识别超链接

  • Identify abnormal HTML tag hyperlinks, such as links within script scripts, links in JSON strings, etc.

# 识别脚本链接

  • Identify abnormal HTML tag script links and JS text content links. JS loads JS script links, pictures and style files that capture JS text content, import style files, etc.

# 识别样式链接

  • Identify links to dynamically loaded style files and related import style files.

# 识别图片链接

  • Support the recognition of HTML picture links, such as picture links inside script scripts and picture links output by page JSON.

# 识别文件链接

  • Special file link identification, flash file, video file, compressed file, PSD file, etc.