# 匹配替换

  • Txt each line contains:Keywords before replacement|Keywords after replacementKeywords are separated by "|".

# 随机替换

  • Find the keyword containing file 1.txt in the content and replace it with the random number / random keyword of file 2.txt.

# 随机插入

  • Search for keywords in TXT file 1 and randomly replace the keywords in TXT file 2.
  • Txt file content, one line for each keyword.

# 添加外链

  • Add a random number of keywords at the end of each HTML page.

# 关键词加链接

  • Find the specified keyword in the text in the HTML page and add a link to the keyword.
  • Only add links to the keywords of the content of the body tag, and do not add links to keywords such as script comments / style comments / Title attribute values / alt attribute values.