homeSoftware tutorialWhat is intelligent identification link and how to turn on the intelligent identification link function?
What is intelligent identification link and how to turn on the intelligent identification link function?

What is intelligent identification link?

Simply put, it is captured using automatic link recognition technologyhtmljsjsonInsideHyperlinksIMG linkJS linkLink linkAnd other abnormal tag codes.

How to turn on the intelligent identification link function

1. Click in the software menu baroption

2. Find it in the option pop-up boxIdentify links, click open to seeHyperlinksScript linkStyle linkpictures linkingFile linkWait.

3. Tick the in the upper right cornerTurn on intelligent identification allGenerally, intelligent identification can be turned on.

4. Supported version: Flying rabbit download Pro

Flying Rabbit Download设置智能识别链接

What kind of links can Xiaofei rabbit identify when downloading the pro version?

JS code rendering tag code link

//Picture document.writeln ("< img SRC = \" / jsimg / jsrender. Jpg \ "title = \" this is the picture rendered by JS \ "/ >")// Script document.writeln ("< script SRC = \".. /.. /.. / static / JS / renderotherjs. JS \ "> < / script >")// Style document.writeln ("< link rel = \" stylesheet \ "href = \" / CSS / jsrender. CSS \ ">")// Hyperlink document.writeln ("< a href = \".. /.. / 404. HTML \ "> hyperlink < / a >");
  • The software can recognize four links, download the file, modify the downloaded link address, and analyze the content and links in the file...
  1. Picture file link:/jsimg/jsRender.jpg
  2. JS script file link:../../static/js/renderOtherJs.js
  3. Style file link:/css/jsrender.css
  4. Hyperlink file:../../404.html

Script links in HTML code

var urlObj = {    "url": '\/jsImg\\parks.png'};
  • The software can recognize links to pictures:\/jsImg\\parks.pngAnd automatically escape the link to get the original address, and process the link address normally after downloading.

JSON links in HTML code

var jsonObj = [    { "imgUrl": "/static/image/test.jpg", "js-Url": "../../static/js/renderOtherJs.js", "cssUrl":"/static/css/style.css" },]
  • The above code is just an example. In reality, there are many picture links in the code. The software only says that it will be compatible with the above writing methods. After recognition, the software will get three links, namely:

1. Picture link:/static/image/test.jpg2. Script link:../../static/js/renderOtherJs.js3. Style link:/static/css/style.css

Further, JSON fields in HTML code contain JS code and escape characters

<script>var jsonData = { "href": "javascript:Mb.jumpTo({&#34; jumpModuleId&#34;: 422,&#34; colUrl&#34;:&# 34;../../ 404.html&#34;,&# 34; colId&#34;: 106});" };</ script>

Hyperlinks identified:../../404.html

Ultimate identity link

  • The intelligent recognition function is far more than these. It can also recognize pictures, resource files, etc. in meta...
  • For more unusual files, you can select item 3 to enter manuallyMatch recognitionContent.

Role of intelligent identification link

  • As a supplement to the abnormal tagging code, Download all resource files of the complete page as far as possible. If the resource files are not downloaded completely, unexpected exceptions will occur.
Software application: front end template download; Development design; SEO optimization; Browse the web offline. Note: this software is not a hacker program and cannot download background data!
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