homeRelevant informationAbout software and software pricing?
About software and software pricing?

Is the software simple?

  • I don't say much about this. Talk in pictures.

Source size (source [including reference package] file size 500m +)

Code quantity (50000 + lines of source code)

  • Are there many 5W lines of code??? Look at class coupling complexity!

Unit tests (qty 1229)

Simulation Page Test (100 +)

Cover every special case.

The software size is only 1.2m?

1.2m is the compressed package of the release version, which is the compressed file of the compiled executable file, and the above screenshot shows the debug version file.

Software pricing?

  • We can only say that software that is of no value to users is expensive at any lower price; Tens of pieces are not expensive for users. After all, there are thousands, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of software, but our software is not big software and is not compared with their big software.
  • Our software has a small audience, which is different from the large audience software on the Internet. There are hundreds of thousands, millions and hundreds of millions of audiences across the country. Even if the price is as low as the floor price, as long as the shipment volume is large.
  • After measuring the development and operation cost and the price set when the user population is limited, this software is different from ordinary software that absolutely has no service. If the price is 10 yuan and 20 yuan, don't say the development cost, even the operation cost can't be charged, so the starting price can't be low.
Software application: front end template download; Development design; SEO optimization; Browse the web offline. Note: this software is not a hacker program and cannot download background data!
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